Monday, July 20, 2009

World's First Flying Car Would be a Ferrari

The ever so fascinating imagine of flying cars,has driven designers and inventors to make unique and extra-ordinary designs to make it a reality.A team at Moller Int. has taken this challenge,and also claiming that the flying car will be out there in the market in two years.The car they are using for the project is a Ferrari,which adds a bit more to the excitement.

The car is named a "Autovolantor" is a Ferrari 599 GTB Model which is worth $319,653.The car would have a vertical take-off and it with its 8 powerful thrusters it will hover.Vents will tilt making the car go in forward motion.

The statistics for the future flying car are actually pretty impressive (only if they become real !!).Here they are as follows.

On Ground:
Speed - 100mph (150km/hr)
It will run 150 miles (200kms)

In Air:
Speed - 150mpp (200 km/hr)
It will run 75 miles (130kms)

To power the thrusters a special hybrid fuel and electric system would be used,generating 800 brake horsepower,and would cruise at a whooping 5,000 ft.

The prototype should be ready in 2009,costing about $800,086.

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