Sunday, March 3, 2013

SpaceJustin Robot Fixes Your Satellite While Looking Cool

Sending up a satellite into space is one thing, but should something go wrong with it, then fixing it is going to be a whole lot trickier than expected. After all, it is not as though you can just drive up to space and check things out, can you? Sending another human up there is going to be a costly endeavor, so why not get a robot to do the job instead? A robot will not complain about low wages, and neither will it tire out, and this is where the cool looking SpaceJustin the Space Robot comes in handy.

SpaceJustin is still a work in progress, but it is said to be revolutionary in a sense where you can feel with your own hands what the robotic hand is touching, and see from SpaceJustin’s eyes. Not only can the SpaceJustin robot be operated remotely, it can also send feedback to the user, making SpaceJustin the ideal candidate down the road to repair satellites, operate switches or exchange modules, especially in hostile environments to humans like space.

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