Showing posts with label Bug. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bug. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Critical - Print Spooler Bug allows hacker to hack any version of Windows

Microsoft's July Patch Tuesday offers 11 security bulletins with six rated critical resolving almost 50 security holes in its software.

The company has patched a security flaw in the Windows Print Spooler service that affects all supported versions of Windows ever released, which if exploited could allow an attacker to take over a device via a simple mechanism.

The "critical" flaw (CVE-2016-3238) actually resides in the way Windows handles printer driver installations as well as the way end users connect to printers.

The flaw could allow an attacker to install malware remotely on victim machine that can be used to view, modify or delete data, or create new accounts with full user rights; Microsoft said in MS16-087 bulletin posted Tuesday.

Users who are logged in with fewer user rights on the system are less impacted than users who operate with administrative user rights, such as some home accounts and server users.

Microsoft said the critical flaw could be exploited to allow remote code execution if an attacker can conduct a man-in-the-middle (MiTM) attack on a system or print server or set up a rogue print server on a target network.

The critical flaw was discovered and reported by the researchers at security firm Vectra Networks, who disclosed some details on the vulnerability, but didn't publish their proof-of-concept (POC) code.

You can watch the video that shows the hack in action:

In corporate networks, by default network administrators allow printers to deliver the necessary drivers to workstations or systems connected to the network. These drivers are silently installed without user interaction and run with full privileges under the SYSTEM user.

According to researchers, attackers can replace these drivers on the printer with malicious files that could allow them to execute code of their choice.

More worrisome: If the printer is behind a firewall, attackers can even hack other device or computer on that particular network, and then use it to host their malicious files.

Watering Hole Attacks via Printers

Like servers, multiple computers are also connected to printers in an effort to print documents as well as download drivers. So, this flaw allows a hacker to execute watering hole attacks technically using printers.

Watering hole attacks, or drive-by downloads, are used to target businesses and organizations by infecting them with malware to gain access to the network.

"Rather than infecting users individually, an attacker can effectively turn one printer into a watering hole that will infect every Windows device that touches it," said Vectra chief security officer Gunter Ollmann.
"Anyone connecting to the printer share will download the malicious driver. This moves the attack vector from physical devices to any device on the network capable of hosting a virtual printer image."
This flaw (CVE-2016-3238) is by far the most dangerous vulnerability of the year, which is easy to execute, provides different ways of launch attacks, and affects a huge number of users.

A second related vulnerability, CVE-2016-3239, in MS16-087 bulletin is a privilege escalation flaw that could allow attackers to write to the file system.

A security bulletin for Microsoft Office, MS16-088, includes patches for seven remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities, 6 of them are memory corruption flaws, which affects Microsoft Office, SharePoint Server as well as Office Web Apps.

The flaws can be exploited by specially crafted Office files, allowing attackers to run arbitrary code with same privileges as the logged in user.

Bulletin MS16-084 addresses flaws in Internet Explorer and MS16-085 in Microsoft Edge. The IE flaws include RCE, privilege escalation, information disclosure and security bypass bugs.

Edge flaws include a handful of RCE and memory corruption flaws in the Chakra JavaScript engine, as well as an ASLR bypass, information disclosure, browser memory corruption, and spoofing bugs.

Bulletin MS16-086 addresses a vulnerability in the JScript and VBScript engines in Windows, which could allow an attacker to execute remote code execution flaw, affecting VBScript 5.7 and JScript 5.8.

Rest five bulletins rated as important address flaws in Windows Secure Kernel Mode, Windows Kernel-Mode Drivers, the .NET framework, the Windows Kernel, and Secure Boot process.

Users are advised to patch their system and software as soon as possible.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

A Software Bug, that Early Released 3200 Prisoners

Washington State Department of Corrections (DoC) is facing an investigation after it early released around 3,200 prisoners over the course of 13 years, since 2002, when a bug was introduced in the software used to calculate time credits for inmates' good behavior.

The software glitch led to a miscalculation of sentence reductions that US prisoners were receiving for their good behaviour.

Over the next 13 years, the median number of days of those released early from prison was 49 days before their correct release date.

"This problem was allowed to continue for 13 years is deeply disappointing to me, totally unacceptable and, frankly, maddening," Washington State Governor Jay Inslee said in a statement. "I've [many] questions about how and why this happened, and I understand that members of the public will have those same queries."

What's the Bug and How did it Remain Undetected for 13 Years?

The issue lies in DoC software that is used for calculating the release date for prisoners who showed good behavior while imprisoned.

The software bug was introduced in 2002, when the state's supreme court implemented a change to the "good time" credit system, allowing prisoners to claim credits for good behaviour while they are in:
  • State Prisons 
  • County jails
These credits are then used to shorten the length of prisoner’s sentence. To apply these changes, DoCs around the United States released the new versions of software but unfortunately, the code that calculated prison sentences was faulty.

DoC First Informed of the Issue 3 Years Ago

What's even more disappointing is that the authorities first learned of the bug in December 2012, when the family of an assault victim alerted DoC that the attacker was going to be set free too soon.

At that time, DoC filed a request, labelling the error as "time sensitive" and to be implemented as quickly as possible.

However, the Washington DoC hired a new IT manager in November, who alerted the authorities of how serious the bug had become. Inslee assures that a full fix for the bug is expected to be rolled out by 7th January.

Until then the DoC has been ordered not to release any prisoner without manually checking their actual release date