Showing posts with label flash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flash. Show all posts

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Google to Ban Flash Based Advertising - Bye Flash

Google had also joined the path of Apple, Facebook, and Youtube to kill the "Adobe Flash Player" by announcing that the company is banning Flash banner support from its Adwords Advertising platform.

"To enhance the browsing experience for more people on more devices, the Google Display Network and DoubleClick Digital Marketing are now going 100% HTML5" Google says.

It's been two decades since Adobe Flash has ruled the Web Space Animation Arena, which was the de facto standard for playing the online videos.

Flash Player had been famous for Zero-day exploits which are a potential threat to online users.

Even Adobe tried to maintain equilibrium by releasing a countless number of patches frequently (that got hiked), for instant reported vulnerabilities, but this had annoyed both customers and companies.

The endless troubleshooting of the Flash Player plugins never resolved the vulnerabilities.

To put a full stop on this issue... many major tech companies like Apple, Facebook, Youtube, Google Chrome, Firefox had been magnetized towards the new substitutor - HTML 5.
  • Facebook's Security Chief publicly called for Adobe to announce a 'kill-date for Flash.'
  • Google Chrome has also begun blocking auto-playing Flash ads by default.
  • In January this year, YouTube moved away from Flash for delivering videos.
  • Firefox also blocked the Flash plugin entirely.

By ending up Flash, all the above companies found a silver bullet to the security issues that have plagued Adobe Flash for years, as well as eliminated a third party dependency.

Steve Jobs was right about the end of Flash as he quoted as saying in his letter:
“New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs too). Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind.”
HTML 5 has gained a Word of Mouth Popularity by many developers and also have many advantages like to play the video smoothly, in fact, in a better way.

So, Google also officially declared that it would not support Flash ads in Doubleclick Digital Marketing from July 30, 2016.

Moreover, from January 2, 2017, the company will discontinue the support for Google Display Network as a part of complete Flash Wipe Out.

However, as a Result of this awful reputation, Flash Player would be rebranded as “Animate CC” with some additional features like the direct conversion of Flash Files to HTML5 Canvas files.

Adobe Animate CC – mostly looks like an update to the Flash Professional software – supports Adobe Flash (SWF) and AIR formats 'as first-class citizens,' along with other animation and video formats, including HTML5 canvas, 4K and WebGL output.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


The Adobe Flash Player just said goodbye to the year with another bunch of vulnerability patches.

Adobe released an out-of-band security update on Monday to address Nineteen (19) vulnerabilities in its Flash Player, including one (CVE-2015-8651) that is being exploited in the wild.

All the programming loopholes could be abused to execute malicious code (here malicious Flash file on a web page) on victims' computers in order to hijack an unpatched PC or Mac entirely.

So, if you are running the Flash Player plugin on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, or Chrome OS, it is time for you to upgrade your system as soon as possible before criminals start taking advantage of the bugs.

Here're the details of the Flash's 19 security vulnerabilities patched in the emergency APSB16-01 updateposted Monday afternoon:
  • A Type Confusion Vulnerability that could lead to arbitrary code execution (CVE-2015-8644)
  • An Integer Overflow Vulnerability that also leads to code execution (CVE-2015-8651)
  • Use-After-Free() Vulnerabilities that could also lead to code execution
  • Memory Corruption Vulnerabilities that could also lead to code execution
The company did not provide many details about the attacks exploiting the Integer Overflow Vulnerability (CVE-2015-8651) discovered by Huawei, other than describing them as "limited, targeted attacks."

Upgrade your machines to the following patched versions of Flash Player:
  • Flash Player versions and for Windows and Mac users.
  • Flash Player version for Google Chrome
  • Flash Player version for Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10
  • Flash Player version for IE 10 and 11 on Windows 8.x
  • Flash Player version for Linux
You can also get the latest Flash Player versions from Adobe's website.

However, if you really want to get rid of these nasty bugs, you are advised to simply disable or completely uninstall Adobe Flash Player immediately.

Flash has plagued with several stability and security issues, which is why developers had hated the technology for years.

Moreover, this is the reason Adobe plans to kill Flash Player and re-brands it as Adobe Animate CC — Adobe's Premier Web animation tool for developing HTML5 content.