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Showing posts with label major. Show all posts

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Microsoft Introduces SQL Server for Linux & Joined Linux Foundation 'Platinum Member'

The next version of SQL Server is now in public preview and available on Windows and Linux both. Linux has received SQL support for the first time ever.

According to Microsoft’s announcement on their official blog post,
SQL Server enables developers and organizations to build intelligent applications with industry-leading performance and security technologies using their preferred language and environment. With the next release of SQL Server, you can develop applications with SQL Server on Linux, Windows, Docker, or macOS (via Docker) and then deploy to Linux, Windows, or Docker, on-premises or in the cloud.
All of the native features of SQL Server available on Windows, in-memory online-transaction processing (OLTP), in-memory columnstores, Transparent Data Encryption, Always Encrypted, and Row-Level Security to name some.

Microsoft Joins Linux Foundation

Microsoft just joined the Linux Foundation as a high-paying Platinum member.Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation said,

"Microsoft is better able to collaborate with the open source community to deliver transformative mobile and cloud experiences to more people."

Google Joins .Net Foundation

The Redmond based company is becoming an advocate of open sourcing and will be committed to accepting community feedback and community contributions. Visual Studio for example went open source a year ago with .Net.
Google is also keen to have a portion of that pie and is officially becoming a member of the .Net foundation. There seems to be a pattern here with Microsoft going all in with Linux and sharing (almost) everything with it. Google had not been interested in .Net from the start and was in fact invested in Java, its competitor, with Android. With Oracle sueing Google over the use of Java in Android is is not strange to see the company is looking elsewhere. .Net is a major part of corporate development so Google joining hands with Microsoft on this front does not seem a crazy move.
The SQL server support for Linux is mostly to sway the audience from Oracle (Java again). SQL server is cheaper as well, and better support means that majority of corporate Linux users would go for SQL server instead.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Most Popular DNS Server 'Dyn' attacked by DDOS - Popular Sites get offline

Cyber attacks are getting evil and worst nightmare for companies day-by-day, and the Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one such attacks that cause a massive damage to any service.

Recently, the Internet witnessed a record-breaking largest DDoS attack of over 1 Tbps against France-based hosting provider OVH, and now the latest victim of the attack is none other than Dyn DNS provider.

A sudden outage of popular sites and services, including Twitter, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Shopify, for many users, is causing uproar online. It's because of a DDoS attack against the popular Domain Name System (DNS) service provider Dyn, according to a post on Ycombinator.

DNS act as the authoritative reference for mapping domain names to IP addresses. In other words, DNS is simply an Internet's phone book that resolves human-readable web addresses, like, against IP addresses.

Dyn DNS is used by many websites and services as their upstream DNS provider, including Twitter, Spotify, SaneBox, Reddit, Box, Github, Zoho CRM, PayPal, Airbnb, Freshbooks,, Pinterest, Heroku and Vox Media properties.

All of these sites and services are reportedly experiencing outages and downtime, either completely or partially.

According to Dyn DNS, the DDOS started at 11:10 UTC and is mostly affecting its customers in the East Coast of the United States, specifically Managed DNS customers.

"We are aware of the ongoing service interruption of our Managed DNS network. For more information visit our status page," Dyn tweeted.
At the time, it's not clear who is behind this DDoS attack, but the company said its engineers are working on "mitigating" the issue.

Here's the statement posted by Dyn on its website:

"This attack is mainly impacting US East and is impacting Managed DNS customers in this region. Our Engineers are continuing to work on mitigating this issue.

Starting at 11:10 UTC on October 21th-Friday 2016 we began monitoring and mitigating a DDoS attack against our Dyn Managed DNS infrastructure. Some customers may experience increased DNS query latency and delayed zone propagation during this time. Updates will be posted as information becomes available.

Customers with questions or concerns are encouraged to reach out to our Technical Support Team."
What websites are down for you? Let us know in the comments below.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Yahoo Hacked ! Hackers Selling 200 Million Record on Dark Web

Hardly a day goes without headlines about any significant data breach. In the past few months, over 1 Billion account credentials from popular social network sites, including LinkedInTumblrMySpace and were exposed on the Internet.

Now, the same hacker who was responsible for selling data dumps for LinkedIn, MySpace, Tumblr and is now selling what is said to be the login information of 200 Million Yahoo! users on the Dark Web.

200 Million Yahoo! Logins for 3 BTC

The hacker, who goes by the pseudonym "Peace" or "peace_of_mind," has uploaded 200 Million Yahoo! credentials up for sale on an underground marketplace called The Real Deal for 3 Bitcoins (US$1,824).

Yahoo! admitted the company was "aware" of the potential leak, but did not confirm the authenticity of the data.

The leaked database includes usernames, MD5-hashed passwords and date of births from 200 Million Yahoo! Users. In some cases, there is also the backup email addresses used for the account, country of origin, as well as the ZIP codes for United States users.

Easily Crackable Passwords

Since the passwords are MD5-encrypted, hackers could easily decrypt them using an MD5 decrypter available online, making Yahoo! users open to hackers.

In a brief description, Peace says the Yahoo! database "most likely" comes from 2012, the same year when Marissa Mayer became Yahoo's CEO.

Just last week, Verizon acquired Yahoo! for $4.8 Billion. So, the hacker decided to monetize the stolen user accounts before the data lose its value.

When reached out, the company said in a statement:
"We are committed to protecting the security of our users' information and we take such claim very seriously. Our security team is working to determine the facts...we always encourage our users to create strong passwords, or give up passwords altogether by using Yahoo Account Key, and use different passwords for different platforms."

Use Password Managers to Secure Your Online Accounts

Although the company has not confirmed the breach, users are still advised to change their passwords (and keep a longer and stronger one using a good password manager) and enable two-factor authentication for online accounts immediately, especially if you are using the same password for multiple websites.

You can also adopt a good password manager that allows you to create complex passwords for different sites as well as remember them for you.

We have listed some best password managers here that could help you understand the importance of password manager and help you choose a suitable one, according to your requirement.