Thursday, November 17, 2016

Microsoft Introduces SQL Server for Linux & Joined Linux Foundation 'Platinum Member'

The next version of SQL Server is now in public preview and available on Windows and Linux both. Linux has received SQL support for the first time ever.

According to Microsoft’s announcement on their official blog post,
SQL Server enables developers and organizations to build intelligent applications with industry-leading performance and security technologies using their preferred language and environment. With the next release of SQL Server, you can develop applications with SQL Server on Linux, Windows, Docker, or macOS (via Docker) and then deploy to Linux, Windows, or Docker, on-premises or in the cloud.
All of the native features of SQL Server available on Windows, in-memory online-transaction processing (OLTP), in-memory columnstores, Transparent Data Encryption, Always Encrypted, and Row-Level Security to name some.

Microsoft Joins Linux Foundation

Microsoft just joined the Linux Foundation as a high-paying Platinum member.Jim Zemlin, executive director of the Linux Foundation said,

"Microsoft is better able to collaborate with the open source community to deliver transformative mobile and cloud experiences to more people."

Google Joins .Net Foundation

The Redmond based company is becoming an advocate of open sourcing and will be committed to accepting community feedback and community contributions. Visual Studio for example went open source a year ago with .Net.
Google is also keen to have a portion of that pie and is officially becoming a member of the .Net foundation. There seems to be a pattern here with Microsoft going all in with Linux and sharing (almost) everything with it. Google had not been interested in .Net from the start and was in fact invested in Java, its competitor, with Android. With Oracle sueing Google over the use of Java in Android is is not strange to see the company is looking elsewhere. .Net is a major part of corporate development so Google joining hands with Microsoft on this front does not seem a crazy move.
The SQL server support for Linux is mostly to sway the audience from Oracle (Java again). SQL server is cheaper as well, and better support means that majority of corporate Linux users would go for SQL server instead.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Whatsapp introduces Video Calling, 2 Factor Authentication and other new features

WhatsApp has finaly introduced the most awaited features Video Calling & 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) out of Beta version, we have reported earlier. The world’s most used instant messaging service has been getting new features recently. The updated GIF support, document sharing and different emoji for example. These quality of life changes were not in a particularly high demand, unlike video calling. 

The Most Demanded Feature:  

WhatsApp users have demanded video calling ever since the option to call other WhatsApp users has become available. It had some issues at the beginning but they were eventually resolved or diminished to some extent. The small changes mentioned earlier have been coming to the instant messaging app over the past few weeks. However these changes didn’t warrant as much attention as video calling is getting now.

WhatsApp has introduced a new security feature which is most popular with the security named "2 Factor Authentication" that fixes a loophole in the popular messaging platform.

WhatsApp allows users to sign up to the app using their phone number, so if an attacker wants to hijack your WhatsApp account, they would require an OTP (One time password) send to your phone number.

The attacker can grab this OTP by diverting the SMS containing the passcode to their own computer or phone, using either a malicious app or SS7 vulnerability, and then log into the victim's WhatsApp account. The attack even works in case the phone is locked.

So in order to fix this issue, WhatsApp has now introduced Two-Step Verification (2SV) password feature for its Beta version for Android, which will help you lock down the WhatsApp set-up mechanism.

In other words, to reconfigure the WhatsApp account with two-step verification enabled, one must require not just OTP but also a 6-digit 2SV passcode set by the user.

How to Enable Two-Step Verification:

To enable two-step verification (2SV), you need to sign for the WhatsApp's Beta version, and follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to WhatsApp Settings → Account → Two-step verification.
  2. Click enable, set a 6-digit passcode and re-confirm it.
  3. On next screen, enter your email ID (optional) to enable passcode recovery via email. (It's recommended to use email as backup so that you're not locked out of your account if you forget your passcode.)
  4. Hit "Done, " and you are all set to go.
So, next time when you reconfigure your WhatsApp account on your new phone or want to add a new phone number to your account, the messaging app will require you to enter and confirm this six-digit secret code.

Providing your email address is optional, which if enabled, will help you reset your passcode when you forget it. Here's what WhatsApp explained about email option:

"We do not verify this email address to confirm its accuracy. We highly recommend you provide an accurate email address so that you are not locked out of your account if you forget your passcode. If you receive an email to disable two-step verification but did not request this, do not click on the link. Someone could be attempting to verify your phone number on WhatsApp."

Forget your passcode after setting it months ago?

For helping you remember your 2SV passcode, WhatsApp will periodically ask you to enter your passcode, and there is no option to opt out of this without disabling the 2SV feature.

For now, the feature is available only on WhatsApp beta version, and the company will start rolling out two-step verification with the release of a stable version for both the iOS and Android for over 1 Billion users in the coming weeks.

To enjoy two-step verification, you can sign up to become a beta tester and update to WhatsApp (Beta) version 2.16.346 straight from the Google Play Store.

Once signed up, your smartphone will be automatically updated to the WhatsApp Beta version in the next app update cycle.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

This Smartwatch Runs On Your Body Heat

While a watch running on your body heat isn’t something new, a smartwatch doing so is unheard of.
Smartwatches of this generation do a lot more than just act like glorified Fitbits of the first generation, but they also use a lot of power to do it.
For that matter you will need to design a smartwatch that uses less power and is capable enough to be deemed a smartwatch. Nowadays people forget to charge their smartwatches and thus in the morning they end up with a dead battery.

Enter the Matrix PowerWatch:

Powerwatch remedies this problem by using your body heat to work. Made by Matrix industries (appropriately named after The Matrix series which had machines use humans as their power source) the Powerwatch was designed from the ground up with power efficiency in mind.

It works with a thermoelectric generator which requires one side of it to be warm while the other needs to be cold. The more difference there is in the temperature on the two sides the more power it generates. Matrix industries have incorporated this piece of tech into their watch. The back of the watch actively absorbs heat while the front of the watch is made with a metal crown and heat sinks to remain cool.

Lowest Power Processor in the World:

The processor used in the watch, AMBI Q,  was specially designed and is claimed by its makers to be the least power hungry processor in the world. Aside from that the watch is so power efficient that once fully charged the watch can remain on standby for 2 years.

Not Many Features:

In terms of features it offers pretty basic ones. It can sync with your smartphone via bluetooth to set the time. It cannot show notifications or allow you to call or send and receive texts. Fitness tracking is where this smartwatch excels and it does it better than other smartwatches. Powerwatch records changes in your body heat to determine the calories burned during exercise. Other watches use heart rate monitoring and other shenanigans to do the same thing.
You can head over to Powerwatch’s Indiegogo page here. It is available for preorder for $99 while the cost will go up to $160 once it comes out.

Skype calls without an account

Using Skype for a quick chat or video call just got a whole lot easier. Microsoft has announced that anyone can now use Skype as a guest user without the need of registering a new account. Guest users don’t even need to download the Skype application. The real purpose of the move is to increase new users and stay step ahead of other competitors.
Microsoft says “Today, we’re excited to announce that we’ve made it easier than ever for you to connect with anyone on Skype, without needing to register or even download it. By joining Skype as a Guest, you can quickly chat, voice or video call without any hassle. Perfect if you’re new to Skype and want to quickly chat with someone, anywhere in the world, for free.”

From now on, web-based guest interface that lets you make and receive calls. To make a call, all you need to do is go to and mention a temporary username (handle) for yourself. Once done, you get a link which can be shared with anyone and the guest user can start a voice call, video call, group chat or share files. In other words, guest users can allowed all actions a normal user with a desktop application can and all they need is a web browser.
The idea is actually not to different from what Google implemented with Hangouts. While Hangouts may be going through an existential crisis and might be phased out, Skype has taken a cue from its book. Hangouts users could be a part of the call by accessing a link. Skype upgrades it so that users can make calls with mere links. Conversations last for 24 hours, after that, these are wiped.
Microsoft might be a bit too late here as WhatsApp and others are already killing it and have nearly forced it out of the race. While Skype was the same old bulky and slow application, others made a move and gathered enough users to overtake Skype. Today, WhatsApp announced support for video calls, nearly matching Skype in basic features as far as smartphone apps go. The only route out for Skype and Microsoft is to somehow maintain its importance in the desktop realm once the competitors take on Skype in that battle.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

World’s First Hyperloop System - 12 Minutes Rides will take You From Abu Dhabi to Dubai - Amazingly Wow !

Elon Musk's grand vision of a Hyperloop system that can transport people and cargo through high-speed vacuum tubes is coming to life in the United Arab Emirates.

The near-supersonic railway would connect the Emirati capital of Abu Dhabi with Dubai, the area's most populous city, in only 12 short minutes. This journey normally requires about two hours of travel by car or train.

Los Angeles-based Hyperloop One and Dubai's Road and Transport Authority announced their new partnership Tuesday atop Dubai's Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building.

"We are here today to sign a historic agreement with our partners from (the Dubai) Road and Transport Authority ... and we begin to evaluate the delivery of the world's first hyperloop system across the country," Hyperloop One CEO, Rob Lloyd, told reporters.

The Roads and Transport Authority and Hyperloop One have agreed to develop a prototype of the hyperloop and the feasibility of building a hyperloop system that can link the two cities.

Hyperloop One's vision consists of combining autonomous vehicles with Hyperloop technology, according to a company press release:

"Individuals can commute for limited distances within the city in small self-driving vehicles. These vehicles can then board the Hyperloop train to travel for longer distances—including between cities—with speeds that can reach 1,200 kilometers per hour, exceeding aircraft speed. Hyperloop stations will be spread all around the city, providing easy and convenient access. This would effectively reduce travel time between Dubai and Abu Dhabi to less than 12 minutes, and between Dubai and Riyadh to less than 48 minutes.

"The new technology is set to have positive implications on urban planning; it will economize parking spaces as it changes the way individuals commute within the city, as well as to and from logistical centers such as airports and ports—not to mention the impact it will have on shipping."

The deal is also meant to help city-state move forward with the "Dubai Autonomous Transportation Strategy," which aims to render 25 percent of all transportations in the emirate driverless by 2030.

Although Tesla CEO Elon Musk came up with the futuristic transport idea back in 2013, he is not affiliated with any hyperloop companies. He has, however, encouraged other private companies to turn his vision into reality. Besides Hyperloop One, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies is another firm trying to bring the technology to life.

When asked about the project's cost, Hyperloop co-founder Josh Giegel told the Associated Press it would be "somewhere between the cost of putting a road in and a high-speed rail."

The Associated Press reported that at Tuesday's event, Hyperloop officials showed several circular station models for Dubai, including one at Emirates Towers on Dubai's main artery, Sheikh Zayed Road. Dubai's Jebel Ali port is also exploring the possibility of using the technology.

Hyperloop One is currently testing the transport system in the Nevada desert.